April 29, 2011

The Bachelors Club

The Royal Wedding: Apparently one of the years biggest events. National holiday. People flying from all over the world. Hundreds of tweets related to Kate's gorgeous McQueen dress. Thousands of Prince William fans crying over their loss. Oh yes, a true phenomenon.

I can't say I know Will or Kate that well, but it looks to me like they make quite a lovely couple. They seemed pretty natural, relaxed and I could even say normal... well, I guess everyone's normal compared to some of the crazy people parading around London today.

Anyway, todays post is not about William and Catherine's Royal Wedding (I think we've had enough of that for a while) but it could be about your Royal Wedding to one of these dashing young royal bachelors. I did some research and found some pretty nice info about these boys that might just help you score a date. Who knows, you could be the next Kate Middleton... or perhaps a royal fling might do the trick. 

You can thank me later!! 

April 27, 2011


So, apparently today is World Graphic Design Day; A celebration that's been going on since 1995... and that I'd never heard of before (they never thought us that in school). Anyway, I guess it's nice to be recognized once a year for doing pretty drawings and being weird...?

A couple of weeks ago a friend posted a link that made every graphic designer (or anyone who's dated // dating a graphic designer) read and nod our heads in punctuation, signaling that "Yes, we know all about it". The name of this article: 50 Reasons Not To Date A Graphic Designer. 

So, I'm guessing today's a good opportunity for everyone out there to see what we're all about... and maybe think twice before dating one, haha!!

(*The bold ones are the ones I personally relate to the most) 

1. They are very weird people.
2. There are billions of them in the world, like colors on the screen of your computer.
3. They will analyse conversations in layers.
4. You will spend the day assembling furniture from IKEA.
5. They drink and eat all kinds of weird shit just because they like the packaging.
6. They hate each other.
7. You’ll come out the last out of the movies because you have to see the full list of credits.
8. They cant change a light bulb or without making a sketch.
9. They fuck up all the tables with their cutters.
10. They rather study the paisley pattern on your outfit than listen to what you have to say.
11. They will fill your house with magazines and whatever is out there that has drawings.
12. You never know if it is really an original or a copy.
13. They make collages with your photos.
14. They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.
15. They idolize people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.
16. They take pictures almost daily and all are cut in weird shapes.
17. They ask your opinion about everything but  they do whatever they want.
18. Everything is left justified, right or center unless they arrive late.
19. They hate Comic Sans with the same passion they love Helvetica.
20. They use iPhone for everything, because everyone has one.
21. You can not decorate the house without consulting them.
22. They steal street signs.
23. Always carry their hands painted with something.
24. They buy dolls unfinished for them to paint.
25. Everything becomes something other than what it really is: cards as tickets, cards as …
26. When arguing, you will be nicknamed like the OSX spinning wheel (not affectionately)
27. Do not know how to dress without consulting the Pantone book.
8. They hate Excel.
29. They read comics.
30. They want to save the world only with a poster.
31. You will spend the day brainstorming.
32. On vacation they will take you to countries that you do not know exist and have no beach.
33. Museums are their second home.
34. They know more positions than the Kamasutra.
35. They can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.
36. They listen to music you have never heard of.
37. They can´t cook a normal dish, they always have to experiment with new ingredients.
38. They read rare books: stories of children, Semiotics …
39. When you are going to tell you something, everyone has read it in their facebook and twitter.
40. They owned iPods before you knew they existed.
41. The orgasm they remember is when they heard that Adobe was acquiring Macromedia.
42. They have their own shops just for them and there are the most expensive in the city.
43. They want to spend all the money in the Apple Store.
44. You will never understand their gifts.
45. They see ordinary objects and laugh.
46. You wake up in the middle of the night hearing them scream “When is the deadline?”
47. They see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.
48. They dream of the day nobody will make a single change to their designs.
49. They rather pay for a font than for a special birthday gift.
50. They are always sleepy because they work 24/7.

So... what do you think, dateable or not? Oh, c'mon, admit it, YOU WANT US!!

April 25, 2011

Say Cheese...

After being considered an "endangered specie" a while back, it's pretty clear Polaroid made a pretty big comeback. We could blame it on the hipsters for bringing that trend back, but at the end of the day, Polaroids are super cool gadget that should never disappear.

However, I'm sure we've all asked ourselves, what's next in camera design? Well, not that I'm a expert in technology or photography, but I'm pretty sure this answers our question. The WVIL camera is a concept camera envisioned by Artefact's award-winning design team.
The WVIL system takes the application platform capabilities of today's smart phones and wirelessly connects them with interchangeable full SLR(single lens reflex) quality optics. Which pretty much translates as a great solution for photographers who need and expect the power of modern mobile devices that also guarantee high quality results.

Of course, you don't have to be a professional photographer to fall in love with this lovely piece of
machinery... wait till you see the video!


April 21, 2011

Oh Brother Where Art Thou

I know it's been almost a year since the last album from The Black Keys "Brothers" hit stores, but recently I seriously CAN'T STOP playing it, I'm literally stuck on repeat. The 15-track album is amazing form start to finish, filled with intriguing detailed lyrics and a first-class sound that makes every single song really really worth listening to.

This morning I found a note I made somewhere a while back, about a Black Keys video that looked like a Quentin Tarantino movie. I wrote it down but never got around to it, until today. Then I started clicking on the rest of their videos and found myself cracking up over and over again. OMG, these dude are hilarious!! Or maybe I have a weird sense of humor (?) Maybe you should watch them and then let me know... but you should definitely listen to the entire album.

* This is the Tarantino-look-a-like video. "Howling For you" - the song's amazing.


* This video is adorable - the song is one of my favorites.  

*This video is completely crazy, stupid might also be the word, but please watch it (don't forget to read the yellow headlines throughout the video) - the song is great!  

April 20, 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

Last night I watched Sofia Coppola's "Marie Antoinette". I've watched it two or three times before, but every time I find something new to love about it. Whether it's the style in which the movie was shot, the unbelievably beautiful set and scenery design, the perfectly created costume pieces, or the amazing soundtrack that combines both period music and songs by The Strokes... anyone who can do that deserves recognition.

After watching the movie and analyzing how the young queen lived like a modern day rock star, I found myself thinking of something else I loved; the idea of throwing a party like they did in the good old Louis XVI days. Although, it would have to be more like a series of parties to really get into the role.
There would have to be a dinner party, in a garden filled with candles, a perfectly well cooked meal on a perfectly well set table. Endless champaign to last the entire night and a hand picked group of lovely people to share this soirée with.

Then, there would be a second party. A real kick-ass party, that would look something like the "Lighworks" video form Acid Girls ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2j1P0ITUzOU )... except my guests would behave like actual ladies and the guys would look like little french soldiers.

And finally, there'd be a third party, with and invitation that would say: You're invited to "Let Them Eat Cake // Watch Movies // Talk Fashion - Girls-Night-Only". Please R.S.V.P. - There would be more champaign (obviously) thousands of tiny french pastries and pedicure to heal our sore feet from all the dancing from the night before.

That does sound lovely, doesn't it? But that's just my personal fantasy. Anyway, if you're a BIG Marie Antoinette fan and want more cool related stuff, please go here >> http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/marieantoinette/

April 19, 2011

Birthday Wishes!!

Considering I'v been crushing on him for over a decade (my first memory of Jams Franco is in "Never Been Kissed") and considering he's been the talk about town for the last year or so, I'm thinking he deserves an oh, hello lucy birthday post.

The actor turns 33 today, and I'm pretty sure we can think of 33 reasons why we love him. Starting with this adorable video starting James Franco and James Franco... DOUBLE BINGO!


April 18, 2011


Meet Madewell: Founded as a Massachusetts work-wear company, back in 1937. If you do the math, you'll see they've been around for a while, which means they've had a lot of time to think about their obsession... JEANS! Their old-school quality goes into everything they do, whether its t-shirts, classic shirts, leather boots and bags, or finding the perfect fashion muse.

Meet Alexa: Born Novemeber 5th, 1983 in England. Television presenter, model and contributing editor at British Vogue. More importantly, she is one of today's most intriguing young "celebrities", has an A+ in fashion, music and men, and a face that screams stunning!!


The brit fashion icon and the american brand came together a couple of months back and decided to launch an exclusive 25-piece collection designed by Alexa herself. The  collaboration  consisted of a variety of blouses, shoes, cute dresses, t-shirts, shorts and coats that pretty much wrapped up her unique and oh, so gorgeous style into one line that looked something like this...

This season Madewell and Miss. Chung are back with something new, the "Tried & True" dare. They gave her 5 iconic Madewell pieces and challenged her to style them with pieces straight from her own closet. The result... click and find out!! 

April 17, 2011

<< Rewind - SQT

For the past weeks, you eyes have been dealing with a noticeable increase in sunlight. Don't worry, it's a long-lost phenomenon known as spring. And yes, I know this weekend it's all about Coachella and the desert heat, but here in Mexico City, spring started at the "Spring Quesadilla Tour" - live music, beer and something crazy called quesadillas ... you might be familiar with that term.

So picture this: It's Friday night, right about sunset. The weather just right, people start gathering, the lights go off. Local Natives come on stage, they do their thing. These young cali-boys know how to make people smile and sing along to their folky sound. Pretty nice. They play for about 35 minutes. Then their off.

Then it's OK Go, a band that's been around for a while now, but has recently grown due to their crazy videos and hyperactive personalities. There's thousands of tiny pieces of color paper flying everywhere, matching their colored suits. They play most of their newest tunes and a couple of old hits (like "Get Over It" a personal favorite). The lead singer does some crowed surfing decides to go a capella for a little while, while a bunch of fans carry him.

And then it happened. Yeasayer, the reason most people (me included) were there for, walked on stage and brought every single one of us back to life. It didn't take long for the entire crowd to be dancing to their futuristic rhythm and singing along to some of their hit songs, such as O.N.E, Madder Red, Rome, Sunrise and Ambling Alp. Bizarre, yet completely talented, Yeasayer is definitely a live act you shouldn't miss. (*The only thing that could have made this performance better would have been listening to "Love Me Girl")

Now, for the fourth and final band to play that night, this being Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros, I have no pictures nor much feedback. During the break I ran into some friends, we started chatting and to be honest, after the performance I had just witnessed from Yeasayer, Mr. Sharp and Company were simply not doing it for me. Never the less, I could see from a distance, that people were happily grooving and the band looked really happy to be playing for them. Other than "Home", which I very much enjoyed, that last performance is a bit of a blur (no alcohol was involved, I promise).

Overall conclusion: Good show. Nice band diversity. Yeasayer = Da'shit. Too many drunk kids pissing me off... could have done better without them.   

April 13, 2011

Brush This Way

If you've suffered your entire life due to the fact that you're not a fan of grocery-store-looking toothbrushes, (because, I don't know, for some reason, you feel the regular toothbrush doesn't really match your personality, or because the pretty ones are always out of stock) look no further.

Yumaki is a professional dental care brand with a wide selection of high quality and beautiful toothbrushes to suit just about every personality. A partnership between a Scandinavian product design company and a Japanese manufacturer (who has over 100 years of experience producing oral hygiene products) Yumaki combines both form and function, which is exactly what (good) design is all about.

So now, you can wash your teeth and look prettier than ever, while still feeling like yourself...

1- Tree hugger
2- City chic
3- Ghetto


April 5, 2011

The Kings Speech

It's been almost 10 years since their debut album Youth and Young Manhood was released. During that time, Kings of Leon have gone from being humble sons (and cousin) of a Pentecostal preacher to one of the biggest rock band in the world. But how did they get here? You think you know... but you (seriously) have no idea.

Sure, it's nothing new, we've all seen it before: The rise of a Super Group -  which they totally are; their music, their lyrics, their live act and their physical appearance (not to mention their tweets) are something truly remarkable.  So, the band has decided to show us how life has changed for them Followills.

Talihina Sky: The story of Kings of Leon illustrates the rise of the Kings, from Nowhere, Tennessee to festival headliners all over the world. The struggle to ditch their strict religious upbringing for Rock'n'Roll, behind the scenes on-tour footage, drugs, alcohol... The Documentary will be shown on the New York Tribeca  Film Festival, as a work-in-progress but does not currently have a wider release date.

Yeah, I know now I've got you all excited, wishing you could see it right here, right now. But for now, just enjoy the preview and wait for the rest.



April 4, 2011

The L Word

I've recently developed a passion for collecting or buying stuff with my initials. I've always loved the idea of growing old and having all these fun little pieces of "whatevers" with something that really makes them your own. And I guess that passion runs in the family, because it seems to go all the way back to my grandfather. So, even cooler, I guess.

This is the newest member of my collection and my new favorite accessory. It's cute, discrete and easy to wear. I`v literally been wearing it almost every day for the past 4 weeks. And I loved the idea of the A to Z adjectives used on the display package... I particularly love the L's.

What does your letter say about you?

April 1, 2011

Digital Dreams

By Friday, your tie always feels a little tighter. Your meetings feel a little longer. Your office feels a little, well, office-ier... 

Or so I've heard. I wouldn't really know about the whole "tie and office" situation. But I'm pretty sure it works exactly the same way for everyone. Fridays are always something to look forward to. Whether it's because we have a great party-weekend all planned out, or just having some quiet time at home, we can never get enough from the weekend. 

So, today it's Music-Friday and you can either go crazy à la Digitalism  - or  - take it slow and easy with Young Dreams ... or, of course, you can do both. These two bands both have new stuff coming out soon, they both have lovely cover art, and, they both have different but rather cool videos.

So choose wisely.... What are you in the mood for?