November 29, 2010

The geeks were right!

Hello people!! 
It's monday. And my week is already looking sooo much better than last week (thank God). I don't wanna jinx it or anything, but i have the feeling that this week is gonna be one of those good good weeks... hopefully topped off with an even better weekend!!

So lets start with some feel-good-monday music. This is a new band from New York, formed by 7 band members that go by the name of Ava Luna. There sound is something like a contemporary church choir with an electronic twist, and one talented geeky front man + the video is naturally cool too. 

I personally think it's pretty darn good. Hope you like it too! xoxo

November 27, 2010


Ok, so i know Black Friday is traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season, which would normally boost my happiness hormones quite a bit, (cause both Christmas and shopping are two things i really love) but on this occasion, it means something completely different.
It literally means BLACK FRIDAY... a.k.a. the end of a shitty (and i mean shitty) weak. All sorts of bad and ugly things happened to me starting monday. I had my hair chopped off by a complete a**hole; some b*tch bought the pair of boots i'd been dreaming about for the last week; my dad was in the hospital... the list goes on.

And today (friday), i was suppose to be finishing my (shitty) week at the Hot Chip concerts! Dancing my (little) ass off to those cool-geeky-electro-beasts! ... But someone (?) lost my ticket. So, instead, I'm home. On a (black) friday night. With nothing else going through my head but flying furniture, some serious face punching, and some heavy swear words (lots and lots of them).

Here to represent my hefty anger, in the most appropriate way, give it up for Miss. Natalie Portman and her uncensored rap! (Pardon her french... and mine!)

Good night kids!

November 22, 2010


Hello! Just takings a quick homework break to share this happy tune with ya'll. Don't you just love it when a good song POPs out of nowhere to brighten up your day? That kindda just happened to me with this one. It immediately made me go, SWEEEET! This is such an "oh, hello lucy" moment. Haha, so voilá, here you go.

I couldn't find a cool video to match this song...then again, some things just don't need that little extra sugar  to make then taste better, right?

Ok, back to work now! Later :)

November 21, 2010

Listen up!!

Hey kids! Here's something cool for you to watch, listen and download free to your iphone. Its the new "i <3 u so" video from Cassius...of course, monsieur Ed Banger had to be involved (pff, always doing some crazy cool shit).

Hope you enjoy it... even if you don't have an iphone, like me :(

November 17, 2010

Better single than sorry... or not?

Being single in this world is getting awfully fancy these days. There's songs about how good it feels to be single. Movies on how to loose guys instead of getting them. Even cute little notebooks specially designed for you to scribble on about how much you actually enjoyed breaking up with your last couple of lovers.

Ok, so some of us like being single. It's fun and exciting. But we totally get it if you're done playing games and ready to find that special someone and settle... so, ladies and gents, i give you (drum roll please...) THE DAILY SINGLE!! A new daily online magazine that might help you find your better half!

WTF!! So i got this today via UrbadDaddy, HA! Completely cracked me up. Though it be interesting to share it with you all. But hey, feel free to give it a try. And let me know if there's anyone worth looking at ;)

November 14, 2010

Im back!!

Oh, hello again!
It's been a while since my last post... too long i would say. I was away traveling for the past 3 weeks or so, but Im back! And there's sooo much i want to say and show you.

Cool places to visit. Great places to eat. Some amazing shops worth spending some cash at (or just do some window shopping). As well as some new tunes for your ipod, maybe a couple of movie recommendations... Who knows what else is rolling around my brain after this Eurotrip.

Anyway, thats what's coming up next on oh, hello lucy! So, stay tuned! Ha.