February 10, 2011

Keep em' coming...

Some things are inevitable. Sooner or later, you knew you'd see Lady Gaga in a meat dress. Likewise, you just knew that one day The Strokes would get back together and give us that fourth album we've been waiting for, ever since "First Impressions Of Earth" in 2006. Of course they didn't completely abandon us; Both Mr. Casablancas and Mr. Hammond Jr. went solo and gave us some pretty good things to talk about, and yes, there was that collaboration with Pharrell Williams + Santigold for "My Drive Thru" but honestly, I couldn't be happier that five of NYC finest are back together.

"Angles" is the name of this long awaited album, and "Under Cover of Darkness" is the first single released yesterday. If you're a true Strokes fan, you'd know that there a free download going on for 48 hrs starting yesterday... you might just make it, if you read this on time. I personally think it sounds p-r-e-t-t-y nice, and hope the rest of the album is just as good.

*Clockwise from top left: Albert Hammond Jr, Fabrizio Moretti, Nicolai Fraiture, Julain Casablancas and Nick Valensi

What? You though we were done? Nop, there's another band we knew would follow their steps... She's Jack White's leading lady. He just became one of the worlds luckiest men (a.k.a. Mr. Kate Moss). I'm talking about The Kills... f*ck yeah!!

"Blood Pressures" is the bands fourth album too, and "Satellite" is the name of the first single. Im not gonna say it blew me away, but it does have that dark-sensuality that very few people (such as Alison Mosshart) can pull off + I know from their previous work thats this band has the potential to seriously bring it back.

*Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince

(Here's the link to the "Satellite" video)
