January 24, 2011

A Sartorial Point Of View

OMG, I can't believe I'd forgot to create this post!! I've been wanting to do it for a while now,  but there's been so much going on lately, that for one reason or another I just never got around to it. So today's the day.

It's about Scott Schumann, better know for his work on GQ magazine, and for his world wide known blog The Sartorialist. He is the man behind street photography blogs, the one, the only, the original. He is also the man behind my addiction (because it really is an addiction) to style blogs, and responsible for the amount of hours I've invested (for the past 4 years) looking at his and girl friend Garance Doré's amazing pictures. (We'll talk about mademoiselle Doré some other time, she's the best).

So, first came "The Sartorialis: The Book" a wide selection of his thousands of street shots, a brief introduction and a couple of comments about some of the (random and not so random) people he's captured on the streets of NY, Paris, Milan and other fashionable cities.

*Mr. Schumann copy.

* Mrs. Cantú's copy.

So it's only natural someone would come up with the idea of "The Sartorialist: A Documentary"... (too bad that person wasn't me) But I'm glad for who ever did, 'cause this short documentary is pretty darn cool. I don't wanna spoil the surprise so, just go ahead and watch it.
