I've never been good at making / keeping New Years resolutions. In fact, I don't think I've ever kept one... at all. So this year, I'm done lying yo myself. I mean, the next 364 days could hold any number of potential surprises, and let's face it, sometimes things are so bad, they're good. So this year I'm trying out something new, something I believe is called Reverse Psychology, or what I like to call, the Anti-Resolutions. I know for a fact Urban Daddy highly recommends it, so, why the hell not.
For the time being, here's my first pic of the year titled: "Greetings from my window". That in the back is downtown San Diego, viewed from the my apartment on the 14th floor. Someday, hopefully, I'll have a similar picture taken form my NY flat, with Manhattan and Central Park on the back... wishfully thinking, I know. But don't worry, it's all part of the whole Anti-Resolutions-thing, haha!!
- Xoxo -