October 4, 2011

Lady Artigas

There are certain people you just need to know about. Take Gabriela Artigas, who turns _ _  years old today. You could try guessing what the two missing digits are, but the truth is, you'll never know how old she really is based on her looks and personality. Anyway, I've been wanting to post something about her for a while now, and I figured today being her birthday would be the perfect opportunity.

Some of you might remember her from a post I did almost a year ago, related to her first ever jewelry sale here in Mexico City. Others might have seen her, or her work in a variety of magazines and fashion shows she's done over the years. But to me Gabriela is simply Gaby, my (not so) older cousin, and an inspiration in many ways. 

If you'd met her a a couple of years ago, you'd have never guessed she'd be the girl she is today. She was sweet, discreet, she always got what she wanted and she could never be good. Good was overrated. Now, things are pretty much the same, except... she's not exactly shy - Although she'll probably tell you she is. But what I really mean when I say she's become someone else, is not because she went from being the quiet girl to the party girl, or from discreet to over-the-top. But from uncertain to confident and from relying-on to independent. She is the living proof of "go big or go home" - and she's done it so well  without losing her head or her heart. 

When asked about what she likes, her answer is "I love snowboard, whisky, good boys, fast cars, diamonds and you. What else do you need to know?". When asked about love, she answer "The heart wants what the heart wants". When asked about herself, she says "I like that I am someone who's anything but perfect". 

With more than 8 different collections, over 24 retail stores around the world and an increasing number of press mentions, Lady Artigas is young, talented and a bit of a rebel. She inspired me to exchange all my silver jewelry to golden and always leaves me wanting more.

For more on Gabriela Artigas, her latest collection, RAVEN, and the rest of her lovely designs, click here - http://www.gabrielaartigas.com/