Random Fact #1. Song = British Frozen Yoghurt brand.
Fact #2. Pash = Australian slag word used for kissing.
Random Fact #2 = Australian Frozen Yoghurt brand.
Is it me, or is the ice cream industry trying to make a point about the power this product has among lovers?
Call me old fashion, but the idea of going for ice cream on a date has got c-u-t-e written all over the place. So Im not surprised "Foxy's", the Aussie brand behind this new pashing-frozen-yoghurt idea, is sharing this concept with the world. In fact, they have a whole love strategy behind it. Four different flavors to try on four different dates, guaranteed to make you go from Zero to Hero!! All you need to do is follow these basic instructions and voilà! (Trust me, not even your love therapist could've said it better)